In every thoughtful alcoholic's life, there is a critical stage when he asks questions, what is the next step and how to stop drinking. To make fundamental changes, doubts and thoughts alone are not enough. We must be backed by firm determination to implement our plan. If it is that simple, then the question of how to stop drinking hard alcohol forever in front of millions of people, or even just stop drinking beer, would not be so urgent. However, it is possible, and the examples of the lucky ones who succeeded in breaking out of this vicious circle can be confirmed.
What is alcoholism?
Experts say that alcoholism is not only an addiction, but also a serious disease. It has physical characteristics, which is why it is psychologically and physiologically dependent on strong alcohol. In addition, alcoholism is a personal, social and even economic problem that affects many people. This disease not only cripples the fate and body of alcoholics, but also damages the lives of their loved ones.
In addition, it should be said that beer alcohol poisoning, because too many people want to know how to quit drinking. Although this drink is weak, it is very concealed. Since it rarely causes severe alcoholism, most people do not think it is dangerous, but for many people, it is often impossible to quit drinking.
This beer contains calming hops extract. This is why many people crave this beverage during stressful times. But don't forget that it is still an alcoholic beverage and is also rich in phytoestrogens (an analog of female sex hormones). And because beer lovers are often men, this hobby will not disappear for them. They usually show signs of feminization (muscle weakness, breast enlargement, fat distribution in women), so it is important to stop drinking beer before these problems appear.
Causes of diseases

Although scientists believe that alcohol dependence is caused by genetic susceptibility in some cases, no one is destined to become alcohol dependent. After all, alcoholics are not born, but they. Everyone has their own way to fall into this trap. Therefore, someone can solve the problems in personal life and the problem of losing a loved one, while someone entering this vicious circle can "help" a happy drinking partner.
Some people waste time out of boredom to kill time, while others out of courage, get rid of certain fears or make the company more relaxed. But no matter what causes people to drink, the result is always the same-life, deterioration of health, deterioration of relationships with loved ones, family breakdown, occupation, personal morality and spiritual deterioration.
Depression can also lead to alcoholism.
Pathological stage
There are several stages in the development of alcohol dependence.
- Although people who drink alcohol have increased cravings for alcohol, they have not yet developed physical dependence, which means there is no withdrawal syndrome. But it is difficult for him to overcome the urge to drink, because he does not understand why he has to give up something that brings a lot of fun. Moreover, at this stage, many people still believe that they have complete control of the process, but this is far from the case. People have an increased tolerance for alcohol, which often increases their confidence in "they know how to drink". It is at this stage that people drink to the point of memory loss or complete blackout.
- In the second stage, physical dependence on alcohol begins to form. At the same time as trying to give up alcohol, it is accompanied by severe withdrawal syndrome, which reminds people of drug withdrawal. In addition, during this period, tolerance has reached a climax, that is, alcoholic beverages will not be drunk. At this stage, a person already needs medical help to overcome addiction.
Because you can quit drinking on your own only in the first stage of addiction, many people will "sneak away" without knowing the upcoming problem, so you should not fantasize about yourself, but seek expert advice immediatelyhelp.
The nuances of female alcoholism
Alcoholism is generally considered a male problem, but this is never the case. Yes, female alcoholism is not a common phenomenon, which can be explained by female psychological characteristics: they are more resistant to stress. In addition, society also imposes certain stereotypes. Alcohol often becomes an identity drink, which is a kind of masculinity. Therefore, men are more motivated to drink strong alcohol. In this case, women have fewer opportunities to sleep.
However, it is much more difficult for women to quit drinking, especially alone. Women’s physiology facilitates this: Ethanol is broken down even worse by the liver, and it is absorbed much faster in the intestine. Due to these characteristics of the body, strong alcohol is more harmful to women. First, impaired reproductive function: women who drink systematically are more likely to be diagnosed with infertility, and children with physical and mental disabilities are born. Moreover, since it is very difficult for women to abstain from alcohol, any sensible woman should abstain from alcohol.
Addiction elimination strategies

There are several strategies to eliminate alcohol dependence. Some experts believe that it is necessary to gradually "bind" by reducing the alcohol dose to an acceptable level or to zero. The obvious advantage of this method is that there are no withdrawal symptoms. But in practice, this method is difficult to apply due to the high risk of breaking down and returning to hard drinks. Therefore, this technique is rarely used.
Another technique is to completely eliminate alcohol step by step. Its undisputed advantage is that patients have far fewer incentives to return to their previous lifestyle. However, due to the increased risk of people withdrawing, this technique is not recommended. In this case, experts first bring people out of the carnival, and then introduce a complete taboo on alcohol. It is very important that the anesthesiologist, not the patient or his relatives, choose this method. Since it is not easy to stop drinking at home, you do not need to hesitate to see a doctor.
Avoiding alcohol altogether is a technique for abstinence.
Methods of dealing with harmful diseases
There is no point in eliminating destructive habits until the person realizes that he is sick and needs help. Only such a person can give up drinking once and for all. However, most alcoholics do not fully evaluate their behavior and believe that there is no problem and they can "quit smoking" at any time. Since the problem is obvious to the environment, relatives can force them to stop drinking forever through moral oppression or trying to heal them.
However, no matter what medicine is given to such a person, no matter how the psychologist cooperates with them, the result is predictable-the patient will not be able to stop drinking for a long time, sooner or later will collapse and return to addiction. Without an internal attitude to change everything, any action is futile.
There are many ways to help people who are determined to quit drinking to get rid of alcoholism. However, there is no one universal method that is completely suitable for everyone. Since all people are different and addicted in different ways, they get out of the trap in different ways. Of course, willpower should not be underestimated, because some people can quit drinking by themselves. But they are very few, because mainly those who do not have a strong will fall into alcoholism.
In addition, don't forget that the decision to quit drinking is the result of clear thinking, and in years of alcoholism, ethanol has destroyed the natural process of NS. Many such people do not have pure physical ability to make such a decision. But this is only one side of the coin. The other is that alcohol is addictive. Sudden refusal of alcohol can lead to withdrawal symptoms.
Mental skills
They are useful for people who are abstaining from drinking, whether he walks this route himself or with the help of an anesthesiologist. The first thing a person should do is to analyze the factors that cause him to become addicted. The first task is to avoid such provocative factors. Then, you need to focus on the following.
Find your phone
Usually, a person starts drinking to eliminate the contrast between reality and his expectations, ambitions and inability to fully realize himself. This is another reason why men are addicted to alcohol. After all, self-actualization and status issues are paramount to them.
Changes in activity or work can help. But don't underestimate hobbies and hobbies. It is necessary to find a hobby that can be fully captured, with almost no free time, not only to drink, but also to think. The choice of hobbies is endless, but on this issue, it is important to understand that there is no immediate success in any field, so the satisfaction of the process itself is very important.
Reject the previous circle and minimize temptation

Of course, addicts should not drink alcohol in their homes. You cannot leave any drinks to guests and hiding places. Moreover, one should not even be tempted by beer, because most people cannot stop drinking beer. The problem is that many people do not take beer addiction seriously.
In addition, there should be no empty bottles in the residence of abstainers, because there is nothing to remind the past. His environment should remember all these nuances. Relatives are obliged to help the alcoholic in all possible ways. If he himself or his friends are pulling him back into addiction, then it is worth changing the circle of friends or at least temporarily restricting interaction with these people.
In order to stop drinking, you must pour all alcohol out of the house.
Drug users should not visit places where alcoholic beverages can be served (banquets, parties), and it is best to bypass alcoholic beverage sales points at first. In the first stage of the struggle, the will of the thrower is still weak, so he does not need unnecessary temptation.
It's also important to reward yourself when you stop drinking. No need to buy other bottles, you can please yourself with things that were not enough before. You can also have a separate piggy bank, which can be refilled every time you want to buy a drink. Usually, after a month of such experiments, a person will actually be overwhelmed by the savings.
Harmony with others and comfortable communication are important tools to resist alcoholism. Sometimes, it is enough to realize that the communication between people in a waking state is much easier and more constructive than a person in a waking state, which makes things go smoothly. This is why there are many groups that support alcoholics. Not only can you share your story, but you can also get the support you need.
Pharmaceutical companies systematically provide alcohol dependence drugs to the market. But you need to understand that these are not magic drugs, and the intake of alcoholism will automatically disappear. They are just an auxiliary tool for those who have embarked on the difficult path of self-repair and helped them get out of trouble.
There are two kinds of drugs used: one can cause an aversion to alcohol, and the other helps to get rid of physical dependence on alcohol. The first group of drugs is suitable for people who have never had a particularly obvious hangover syndrome, which is why they quickly become addicted to alcohol.
In the second case, because of the strong physical dependence on alcohol, it is attributed to benzodiazepines, which act on the same receptors as ethanol. But the process of taking them should be short, because there may be a more dangerous addiction to psychotropic substances than dependence on alcohol.
Folk remedies
The most common way to cleanse the body of alcoholic toxins is by infusion of oatmeal. When preparing, pour 1 cup of oatmeal and 5 cups of boiling water and let it sit for at least 3 hours. 0. 5 cups before meals, 5 times a day.
An aversion to alcohol can help induce simple treatments such as thyme infusions. To get this product, you need 15 grams of herbs, pour 500 ml of boiling water, and let stand for 15 minutes. Use an infusion solution at a rate of 50 ml of product per 15 ml of vodka.
St. John's wort soup has the same properties. It is prepared according to the following plan: 4 tablespoons. l. Pour the herbal medicine into 500 ml of hot water and leave the product in the water bath for at least half an hour. The finished broth was taken twice a day for 2 weeks.
The influence of diet and lifestyle on pathology
During abstinence, nutrition is as important as physical activity. It is important for people who are thirsty to comply with the drinking law (water helps detoxify the body) and drink 2-2. 5 liters of water a day. You should also pay attention to your diet and introduce synthetic products that stimulate endorphins and serotonin (fresh fruits, chocolate, meat), which contain vitamin B (beans, fish, eggs). At the same time, since long-term drinking is related to the development of gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases, it is necessary to adhere to a moderate diet and limit fat, spicy and salty taste.
It is equally important to introduce sports into the lives of such people. Even simple walking will stimulate the release of endorphins. If you increase exercise, yoga and jogging, this will not only significantly strengthen the body, but also strengthen the nervous system. However, when choosing physical exercise, one must consider the overall state of human health-in some cases, physical exercise may be taboo.