According to statistics, men are twice as likely to develop alcohol dependence as men. Our society believes that regular drinking is absolutely normal, although the consequences of male alcoholism are very sad for him and his family.
Of course, this opinion is disastrous and should be reconsidered. Alcoholism is a serious disease that can destroy a person's mental and overall health. It requires a comprehensive medical approach. Practice has shown that even beer can lead to stable alcoholism. The disease started on him, and later he switched to strong alcohol.
External signs of alcoholism
Addiction is gradually formed and developed. The existence and development of alcoholism can be identified by the many characteristic signs of male alcoholism. Psychologists and anesthesiologists have developed to identify the main symptoms of early alcoholism:
- An irresistible desire for alcohol, a person is looking for the strangest reason to justify his desire to drink;
- Attack family, friends, colleagues;
- Drowsiness and fatigue;
- Speech disorder
- Diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
- Familiar with dealing with strangers;
- Indifference, mood swings;
- The overall health condition has deteriorated.
These are the first signs of early alcohol abuse, which can last up to 10 years. At this stage, they are easy to miss, as they often do. Women simply ignore them. Think that men can relieve stress after get off work and try to get rid of the problem with a can of beer or a glass of brandy. At the same time, the disease did not stand still, but continued to develop.
Can't persuade you to treat?
In a professional clinic, you will be helped to establish a sustainable treatment motivation. Experts with extensive experience and modern technology will find the right method for each patient.
Causes of alcoholism in men
The problem of male alcoholism is determined by the psychological differences between men and women. Men are less able to adapt to changing external conditions, and use alcohol to disperse the problems and worries they face. In addition, men more often resist persuasion to accept rehabilitation treatment, thinking they can cope.
But this is not the case-in addition to physical dependence, alcoholism can bring profound personality changes from the first few months of abuse. Over time, the external environment is usually composed of the same alcoholics, which can also prevent healing.
Every two families in our country will face the problem of alcoholism in the future, or have already faced it. This without exception affects all family members, especially children. In general, the reasons for this dependence can be divided into three types:
- Social;
- psychology;
- physiological.
They can appear alone or in combination. Social reasons include the presence of drinking friends in the environment. Social status plays a special role, because people with good jobs and higher education are less likely to face addiction problems. It is especially necessary to emphasize the existence of work pressure and the level of happiness.
The psychological factors are:
- Psychological imbalance
- Lack of self-control;
- Insufficient motivation for professional and psychological development;
- The presence of complexes;
- self-abasement.
There are many other factors that can cause male alcoholism. Only the most common ones are introduced here.
There is another group of factors that cause continued drunkenness-physiological factors. These are metabolic disorders that lead to the rapid development of addiction and genetic factors. If the previous generations had alcoholism, it is likely to affect future generations. A person thinks that he is not addicted and can easily quit drinking at any time. A similar phenomenon is characteristic of alcoholics at all stages of alcoholism.
You can recognize an alcoholic by his eyes and gaze. Ethanol has a negative effect on the eyes, they can become "glassy" and tired. Over time, bags under the eyes and puffiness will appear. Such a person looks tired. This indirectly indicates that there is visceral disease.
From a person who often drinks alcohol, the smell of alcohol "oil fume" is often emitted, which is difficult to confuse with other people. Alcoholics usually don't pay much attention to their own hygiene and appearance, and they don't hesitate to wear wrinkled and dirty clothes.
Stages and signs of alcoholism
There are several stages of male alcoholism. There are only three, one after another. The later treatment starts, the more difficult it is to succeed-psychological dependence and incompatible lifestyle negate the progress of treatment.

Signs of the first stage
In the early stages of the development of alcoholism, the gradual increase in alcohol consumption is characteristic. There are many reasons for this, and such people start to find any reason to drink. At the same time, every time, the number of drunks became more and more frequent. Relatives may hear excuses for this behavior:
- I want to relax.
- Others drink more than me.
- Yes, I drank a lot of alcohol, but I am not an alcoholic.
- I'm just tired from work and I want to take a break.
If these phrases are accompanied by aggression, this is a clear sign of developing addiction. In addition, this stage is characterized by other signs related to physiology:
- No vomiting reflex;
- More and more poisoning needs to reach the same degree;
- There is a power outage.
All these performances will lead to deterioration of overall health, decreased concentration and efficiency. They appear more frequently during the transition to the next stage.
At this stage, it is already necessary to start treating a person's alcoholism-the earlier this stage, the greater the chance of success. In the first stage, the drunkenness is completely healed and the body returns to its original state, because the internal organs are too late to suffer severely, and their functions are not greatly impaired.
One cannot imagine life without alcohol. This is how he spends all his free time. Therefore, problems may arise at work, because employees who often hangover work worse. As a result, the conflict started with colleagues and management. There are also many problems in family life.
Signs of the second stage
In the second stage of male alcoholism, other characteristic signs will appear. Withdrawal symptoms or hangovers are more pronounced here. It includes nausea and headache. There may be a power outage. Sleep and digestion are often disturbed. The craving for alcohol is irresistible. Alcoholics in the second stage are no longer able to quit drinking. She is the main priority around all life.
In addition, this stage of the disease is characterized by a mental disorder-alcoholic psychosis. This is manifested as unstable emotional state, frequent aggressiveness, inappropriate behavior, and unreasonable irritability.
Signs of the third stage
This is the final stage of alcoholism. At this stage, in order to save his life, urgent hospitalization is required. Personality has completely degraded, and moral values have become indifferent. The main goal of an alcoholic is to obtain new alcohol, for which he can do anything, including breaking the law. It will also happen:
- Poisoning comes from small doses;
- Hangover is difficult;
- Sleep depends on the amount of alcohol consumed, as does food intake.
According to medical statistics, the average life expectancy of alcoholics at this stage is no more than five years. As the body is continuously poisoned, the following symptoms may occur:
- Mental deterioration;
- Aphasia or severe handicap;
- High risk of stroke, heart attack, paralysis, severe liver and kidney dysfunction.

If these symptoms start to appear, you need to understand that the addiction will only get worse. The basis of effective and successful treatment is the desire to get rid of the patient's own drug addiction. The situation becomes complicated because alcoholics are often drunk and unable to make wise decisions. This makes the conversation with such a person very complicated.
Beer alcoholism should be paid attention to separately. Now this issue is becoming more and more important in society. Generally, many people believe that beer does not cause alcoholism. Anesthesiologists have a different view on this-regular beer drinking can lead to continued alcoholism. He showed the need to drink this beverage constantly, and in large quantities. Gradually, the amount of drunkenness increased. In this case, it is also worth ringing the alarm and starting the rehabilitation process to get rid of this addiction.
Consequences of male alcoholism
No matter how strong the body is, the consequences of a person's alcoholism will not last long. They can be conditionally divided into two types-psychological and physical. The latter can be manifested as dysfunction of various body systems:
- Male impotence. Under the influence of alcohol, the hormonal background changes and the production of testosterone is disturbed.
- Digestive system problems. It can be gastritis, intestinal ulcer, gastric disease.
- Stress issues. Alcohol damages the vascular system.
- Pathology of the liver. Regular drinking can cause liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.
- Poor immunity. The body loses its protective function, and infectious diseases often occur.
- Heart problems. Alcoholics are several times more likely to have a heart attack than non-drinkers.
Alcoholism can also affect people's psychology. These violations may appear as strange behaviors:
- The feeling of being persecuted. From a person's point of view, he is being monitored.
- Hallucinations occur. Under the influence of alcohol, the brain will produce visual and auditory illusions.
- Encephalopathy. It is related to poor circulation of brain cells and malnutrition.
If this happens, you should immediately contact a qualified psychologist who works with alcoholics. It is important to know that you can start treatment for male alcoholism at any stage.
Only in the rehabilitation center, men will not only receive the help of alleviating physical dependence, but will also be completely cured with the help of hospitalization, and accompany the first step in life after recovery.
Of course, the sooner you provide qualified help from an anesthesiologist, the faster and easier the process of getting rid of this disease will be. Therefore, if you have the slightest doubt, please contact an expert immediately.