Alcoholism is one of the most difficult problems of modern society. Alcohol and its effect on the body is a subject of discussion for scholars of different disciplines, who are trying to establish the causes of the rapid growth of the incidence, routes of excretion of the people of this state, but also the risk factors for the development of the propensity to regulate use of alcoholic beverages.

First of all, caused by the alcohol in the changes of the internal organs are not characterized by a strong violation of their functionality. But with the passing of time, the effect of alcohol on the person intensifies, resulting in points to disturbances in functioning of vital systems of the body, and the breaking of the chain of the complex mechanisms of its regulation neuroumorale.
Features of the mechanism of action
How does alcohol work on the body? Once in the stomach of the man, the alcohol almost instantly absorbed into the blood stream. It is little known, but the alcoholic drinks they begin to decompose, even in the oral cavity, and then the blood is saturated with alcohol from the first minute of its contact with the body. From this moment begins the harmful effect of alcohol on human organs. About 20% of the alcohol cleared enzyme liver alcohol dehydrogenase, disinfecting, alcohol-containing toxins substances.
The mass of the alcohol continues to act in the small intestine. From here, the alcohol penetrates all of the sports sphere of the body, and then partially to appear with the sweat, urine, saliva and the like, and in part oxidized and in a few days accumulated in most organs. In this period, the alcohol acts as a poison, slowly poisoning all the cells of the body, that affect human development, the psyche and the functionality of the internal structures.
The effects of alcohol on the system, and the organs of
The harmful effects of alcohol on the human body is expressed not only in violation function of the brain and the liver. Alcoholism has a negative impact on all organs and systems of the human body. In short, the regular consumption of alcoholic beverages can destroy the normal functioning of the body of the patient, the disastrous impact on his life and are one of the leading causes of mortality among people of working age.
Effect on the psyche
Probably, each of us is known how alcohol affects the human psyche. Heavy drinkers people can experience hallucinations, overwhelming feeling of anxiety, apathy, a prolonged depression. In alcoholics completely lost his "I". These people become antisocial, pay little attention to their looks, their stop worrying about the casual human chores, family care and the like.

The consequences of alcohol on the human body
Each stage has certain symptoms and distinctive features. All of them are 4.
For the initial phase is typical of a gradual increase in alcohol consumption, the formation of the base and the effect of alcohol on a psychological level.
In the second phase there is a desire to increase the dose of alcohol. The addiction develops at the physical level.
The third - the destruction of physical and psycho-emotional level, the formation of dementia.
The fourth stage is not curable and leads to the death of an employee. A fault occurs to the operation of the systems of the body, death.
25 reasons of refusal from alcohol
Many people do not see anything wrong in drinking alcohol in the evening, on weekends or during the holidays. But few people have the sense of the measure and strength of will. And harmless, at first sight, the passion turns into a bad habit. This article describes 25 reasons of refusal from alcohol, considered to be the damage of alcohol and its impact on the human body.
- Alcohol is the cause of many diseases, of dirty tricks, indiscipline, ruined talents, unnecessary conflicts and poverty.
- Difficult to find the greater evil of alcohol, that would be so hard and without mercy, discourages the health of millions of people, so dramatically destroyed all the tissues and organs of man (in particular the cerebral cortex), the mind and the personality of a person, and in the end lead to an early death. The cunning of this poison is that the heavy consequences of the damage alcohol come not once, gradually, imperceptibly.
- On the effects of alcohol on a person's life, say the facts: 50 percent of the accidents, 1/3 of suicides, 80 percent of deaths from cancer of the oral cavity and the esophagus occurs because of alcohol abuse.
- As A result of studies conducted using the most recent technology, scientists came to the conclusion that among alcoholics and among moderately consumers it is observed a gradual reduction and narrowing of the brain. A glass of liquor, ruining our brain 1000-2000 cells. These data were confirmed in 95% of alcoholics and 85% moderately consumers.
- Studies have shown that the probability of having a healthy non-drinkers to 15 times less than sober, the mortality rate of their children 5 times higher, and the pain of more than 3.5 times (please note it is only the drinkers, and not alcoholics). Alcohol affects children even before their birth. Even in the family, the moderate drinkers of alcohol, children are born with a slow development, mentally underdeveloped, even the dead. Because of the addiction to alcohol and drugs women in America every day give birth to thousands of babies. Drinkers parents — the worst thieves steal children's happiness, future discoveries, the joy of living a full life (to F. G. Uglovo).
- The experiments, conducted on chicken eggs, have shown the following: 160 laid the eggs in the incubator in a shed, in the basement which has passed down the alcohol. Couple of alcohol acted on the eggs. When the time came, proved the following result: chicks were born only half, of which 40 are vital, 25 — mutant (without the beak, no claws, etc).
- If you do evil, the genetic code of a person, then the danger for the whole generation. In our times, the violation of the genetic code of 96% occurs due to various drugs (alcohol, cigarettes, other drugs).
- Alcohol as a drug is bad in all kinds and in all the dose for the human body because it acts like morphine or marijuana, that is, creates the illusion of the good and of happiness, bringing with this irreparable harm, as any other poison.
- According to the data of the WHO (World Health Organization), every third on earth dies for reasons related to alcohol consumption, every fifth — from the causes to the papal legate at the smoke. Then, from these reasons, Russia lost almost half a million people a year, which is 20 times higher than the number of victims of an atomic explosion of Hiroshima.
- Dry law 10 years safely acted in what was then Russia. During this period, decreased the number of patients, emptied of prison, and then the peace in families, homes appeared wealth. All these data you can verify, and great medical encyclopedia and many scientific articles of that time.
- Reassurance of a few die-hard drinkers who, after drinking, you feel relieved, it is pure illusion, called paralysis of the centers of attention and self-control. Sick of receiving the entire dose of alcohol falls into a state of euphoria, and him everything, even his illness seems to be in pink color. In fact the intake of alcohol in any quantity only exacerbates the process and brings harm to the person .
- Not for nothing people say: “the River with the stream starts, and drunkenness with wine glasses”. Reflect on this fact. From the point of view of infectivity to the habits of consumption of alcohol, the most dangerous are not drunkards and alcoholics, because, looking on them, no one has any desire to imitate them. The most contagious as those who drink “moderately”, “culturally”, drink, “respecting the ritual”, etc unfortunately, our average well “worked” for more and more tempting to submit to the de the party. Rare film without the glass, the lush festivities, brindisi, italy. The people enthusiastically drink after this toast, almost mystically, relying on the fact that an empty glass or a stack — the safest way for the execution of all desires. And the children become spectators and witnesses, and then and partner consumption of alcohol, because they imitate the parents at a subconscious level.
- Many researchers have shown that if the children to invite to a birthday or a wedding, you reproduce, copy games attributes adult party — sit at the common table, open bottles, clink, say toast, there are a gait tottering. A poll of 100 guys in one of the nurseries has shown that 97% of the children, well-described alcoholic intoxication. With the maternal age and begins to form an idea on the alcohol as a special, mandatory satellite celebrations and gatherings, a charming symbol of adult life. At 11-12 years, adolescents are forming quite stable stereotypes in relation to alcoholism. Copy their parents and relatives of people.
- Teenagers assert themselves on those who drink the most. In such farms cultivated euphoria. Teenagers project on alcoholism in their ideas of courage, of manhood, of maturity, the other lead who the most drunk, who screams louder or shouting or yelping, that swagger that entails. In the behavior of the very showy, demonstrative, hysterical. Usually you turn on the music at high volume, the increased destructiveness of the behavior.
- According to statistics, drinkers of people live, on average, 10-15 years less. Smokers are 8 years old. That shows the damage of alcohol on the human body.
- If briefly to answer the question of why people drink, I have to say to drink because it is a drug, which has been extensively advertised and freely sold. Drink because the alcohol has made legalized the drug and sell it at an affordable price.
- There is a misconception that alcohol is necessary to take “for fun”. In reality, the fun and laughter — very important points in a person's life. Give a holiday to the brain, distracting thoughts from everyday worries, to strengthen the nervous system, and prepares them to new efforts and concerns. But the laughter and fun are only useful in the cases, when they occur in a sober person. Drunk of fun and there may be scientific and reasonable understanding of this condition. Drunken “fun” there is nothing like the excitement under anesthesia is the first phase of anesthesia, the stage of excitement, that the surgeons observe every day when to give the sick of other drugs (ether, chloroform, morphine, etc), of those who, in his action, are identical with the alcohol and as the alcohol, refer to the drugs. This stage of excitation nothing to do with the fun never has, and after her there is no rest for the nervous system. On the contrary, instead of relax it is depression with all the consequences (headaches, apathy, weakness, lack of will to work, etc.). That never happens when sober fun. So alcohol is not a friend and enemy of fun. He denies the amount of time a person dedicates to the enjoyment and the relaxation. Instead, you get your headache and weakness. In the same way, the alcohol acts from exhaustion. A day of rest, given to man, for him, both physically and mentally rested and with new forces, with a landing by the desire to work, and we set to work after a holiday.
- Alcohol creates the illusion of relieving the tension. In reality, the voltage in the brain and throughout the nervous system is saved, and when you keep the hops, the voltage is still more than to take the wine. But add to this the weakening of will and weakness.
- Innate need to drink beer, wine, vodka, etc are not there. If it had not been for the light alcoholic products and the traditions of their drink, without them you would be able to safely live and do no harm to your body and to your loved ones.
- For conscious choice “to drink or not to drink” must be very to know how to influence of alcohol on our organism. “Advertisers” can compose any legends about the usefulness of alcohol. In tv spots called beer “the right one”, “life”, “for real men”, trying to “bind” alcoholic beverages product sexual, patriotic, national, highly object to the status characteristics of the persons. In order not to be scammed and need to have objective information and to learn how to counteract the advertising.
- After the consumption of alcohol increases the amount of urine (diuresis), that is, experience a loss of water and salts. After the intoxication is powerful thirst, “pulls” in brine and mineral water. Short systematic review the real effects of alcohol to all types of metabolism in vivo leads to only one conclusion: all types of exchange are violated. This set of “slaughter” the effects leads to a complex effect of ethyl alcohol and must be an obstacle for its consumption as a beverage.
- The phrase “alcoholic beverages” correctly. “Drinks” should have a nutritional value, contain all the substances involved in nutrition. These include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. In alcohol, not them. In cognac, wine and beer for very little. To score their daily dose of the need to drink such a number of these fluids, in which the alcohol content far exceeds the fatal dose.
- For the money spent to buy a drink you can, for example, to buy a car. Can decide to calculate how much in the course of the months and the years you spend money for alcohol.
- Often there are references to studies of foreign scholars, as for example, a series of institutions of Munich, for demonstrating that beer helps in many diseases. First of all, it should be noted that all these studies were conducted with the financial support of the alcohol industry. Therefore, these results wander in to the media, but they are difficult to find in serious scientific journals, because such journals usually ask authors to indicate the source of funding of the research, and if so, if this is the alcohol or the tobacco industry, the publication of such research is perceived as a sign of bad taste.
- In your power to get rid of a second, to be free and happy!