According to the stakeholders, the more difficult it is early days. All the thoughts in this period revolve around alcohol. Little by little the desire to drink, retreats, and activities allows you to escape from the problems. The question is complicated by the fact that friends and acquaintances of habit continue to invite drunken parties and celebrations. Giving up is difficult, especially when the neighbours start to make fun of and discredit the idea of a sober style of life. If he can resist, then it will be easier. Really good friends don't turn away, if to declare their rejection of alcohol.

How to stop drinking?
What can you expect a man who has spent thirty sober days:
- They change the flavors and family dishes become more delicious is the food stops being an "appetizer", and begins to be a further source of positive emotions;
- increases concentration – after 30 days without alcohol the brain activity improves by almost 18%, which is reflected not only on concentration and attention, but also on the memory, the ability to make decisions quickly, etc.;
- normalize the sleep – someone starts to see vivid dreams, and someone is sleeping like a dormouse all night, and the next morning you feel well rested;
- increases resistance to stress – contrary to popular belief, alcohol is a strong depressor and, therefore, like to drink carry the heavy blows of fate, and force majeure. After 35 days of life sober, the decision of a difficult life manager is given a lighter and a stressful situation are not allowed close to the heart;
- improve physical performance – those that make a sport, to note that the complete abandonment by alcohol gives a good boost to physical development.
But even those far from gymnastics, are recognized: climbing stairs becomes easier, hiking delight, and the work is physical and carries a nice effort, and non-painful weakness. Those who have stopped drinking alcohol a month with the passing of time you realize that begin to drink again, nor the desire, nor the needs. By comparing the drunk and sober life, many choose the latter and become pathological sober. Unfortunately, most people do not know how to relax without a drink. This love for alcohol often turns into alcohol dependence. Any drink, alcohol negatively affects all the body. Ethanol is irritating to the mucous membrane of the internal organs violate the gastrointestinal tract, overloads the kidneys and liver, and also narcotics, the brain.

Binge allows you to relax and forget about negative thoughts. The abuse leads to the complete degradation and death. It is worth to pay for the fun their health? After all, the benefits of a sober life obvious. According to the medical statistics, the people rejected alcohol, not collide with:
- intoxication;
- diseases of the heart and of the liver;
- white fever;
- fragile.
Should drink with moderation
If the person does not drink, does not arise the question "How to drink with moderation?". In the case of a poisoning can be poisoning the body with all its consequences. Abstemious man does not work the heart, the liver, and the brain beneath the blow. The face, for which the sobriety of life — the norm, you will not face the addiction to alcohol. The advantages of sobriety on his face. Warm drinks are offered not only negatively affect the internal organs, but is reflected on the appearance of a person. Drinker a person easy to learn. It appear the bags under the eyes, the face becomes swollen, the skin becomes grey-colored, the hair becomes brittle and dull. Choosing a life without alcohol, you choose also the youth and the beauty.
Drinkers of people who are often alone. Lose the job, friends and family. Choosing a sober lifestyle, these problems are not terrible. The possibility of giving birth to and rearing healthy children — is another important use of refusal from alcohol. According to the statistics, the ethanol removed, and destroyed a large number of lives of children. Life without alcohol can be bright and colorful. How to spend your time fun and not drink? There are many alternatives for decent alcohol to have a good weekend". To get the maximum pleasure from the end of the week, you can:
- choose the right company;
- get out into nature;
- go on a journey;
- visit hometown.
You can't live without communication? Then find a company, where the alcohol will not stay in the first place. Spend a fun time possible, and in the family. Good company can make babies. Recharge healthy positive you can play monopoly or football. Entertainment for children takes away the desire and learn to have fun without alcohol. Anything so does not help to dispel those thoughts, as the fresh air. How to relax without alcohol, on the nature? Fulfill your dream and jump with a parachute or learn to fly a glider. If the endpoints of the rest don't like it, then they can go to overnight trip or a swim in the lake in the boat. Scan the end of the week will give you a lot of I learned a lot from this, and of unforgettable emotions.

You can't live without travelling? Go for a new portion of impressions at any that you like for your city. Not necessarily go to the expensive of the island, you can go for a ride in the nearby city and its attractions. How to rest without a drink? If you like the classic, the one to recover in a theatre or in an exhibition. If you causes boredom, is available to theaters, concerts of popular music group. Interesting and fun the weekend will be remembered for a long time.
If Friday meetings with friends at the bar for you norm, then it is time to change this tradition and learn to sleep without alcohol. As it is possible to relax at home? Relieve stress after a busy week will help warm bath with bubbles, music, a good movie or a massage. Distracted by the alcohol will help interesting book or a computer game. This type of vacation, which forces the brain to work better. Sleep then you are guaranteed. To drink or not to drink an alcoholic beverage — the individual choice of the man and the final decision will be for You. Those who have put in the first place, not the alcohol, and the most pleasant joy of being already for a long time prefer a healthy life style and they capture every day, the tone brilliant.
Abstinence from alcohol
The modern Society has the habit of any party to consume massive amounts of alcohol, be it beer, champagne, vodka, light of the moon in the house, or dyes. The said: "Alcohol in small doses is harmless in any number of" does not sound so strange, like old times. We use at times the lethal doses, and after the fighting are not there already we are, and the doctor. Buy alcohol and drinking becomes the norm.
The first attempt to get rid of communication with the alcohol very often not up to expectations, because of what the hands are lowered, it seems that going over makes no sense. But it is clear the awareness that there are a number of problems — a glimmer of hope, and this gives a powerful charge of energy to always eliminate alcohol from the daily life. You must make the maximum effort to achieve the goal and justifies itself in full. As only the life disappears, the unfortunate push to the drinks stronger, up-to-date circle of friends, begin to appear new interests and hobbies, your family will appear great traditions, and the children will delight you with their successes in school, sports, and creativity.

The health of every day would be coming in accordance with, the internal organs function, and the robot brain — productive. Studies have shown that no alcoholic do not regret making the choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle, but the years spent on the ill-fated alcohol to erase from memory forever. In order to avoid the recurrence of relapse, you can occasionally use the drugs, anti-alcohol, that are sold in the trade. The ideal solution will become the daily sport, in which the blood will fall adrenaline and endorphins, hormones of happiness.
- Change of taste sensations. Family, food becomes more tasty the food ceases to be a snack, and begins to be perceived as a source of positive emotions.
- Improves the quality of sleep. In the morning the patient feels refreshed.
- Increases the concentration. In Person it is easier to make decisions, focus attention.
- Grow physical indicators. The patient is easier to climb the stairs, walking down the street. The work is physical and carries a nice effort, not of weakness.
- Increases resistance to stress. The problems are not taken very much to heart.
Give up strong drink is not as easy as it seems. In the early stages of alcoholism and break free from habits that are harmful can through the will of fatigue. The rejection of alcohol for 2-3 phase flows more difficult and more painful.
Methods of treatment
Every day that passes without the abuse of ethanol is a small victory. The first changes learned a lot from this were already evident after 30 days of life without alcohol:

- Change of taste sensations. Family, food becomes more tasty the food ceases to be a snack, and begins to be perceived as a source of positive emotions.
- Improves the quality of sleep. In the morning the patient feels refreshed.
- Increases the concentration. In Person it is easier to make decisions, focus attention.
- Grow physical indicators. The patient is easier to climb the stairs, walking down the street. The work is physical and carries a nice effort, not of weakness.
- Increases resistance to stress. The problems are not taken very much to heart.
After a few months of life, a sober person realizes that he began to live better. Stopped relying on alcohol, the views of its former friends "of doom". In the evening after work optional use of alcohol, to relax. Because there is a wide choice of other activities, are no less interesting.
Why we drink alcohol, if it is harmful?
In our society, strongly supported the idea that drinking a little bit of everything, with moderation, it is quite possible and even useful.
Drink all of the stars of the show, actors, politicians, influential people, near Pierino 5 apartments.
And how would it be, that I am worse, I like all and even better. The biggest and most dangerous misconception is the thought that a glass or two of beer at the end of a hard week of work — completely unfounded, in addition, you need to!
This is dangerous, alcohol is a real drug, that penetrates into our lives slowly, gradually moving all the other pleasures.

The interest in any way feeds the attitude towards it in society. We talk a lot about this, but in normal life do not speak evil. And if you speak evil, well, just go into any bar or shop and have fun with friends. This has become a part of the culture. For example, in my life it all started with products dyes with new friends.
The children, especially the teenagers, looked with attention at what is around them, and now I understand why for the first time I tried the poison.
I have seen dozens of parties, where the adults are drinking and laughing, the tv series, where the romantic couple in the most important moment of his life, has a glass of sparkling wine.
I am more than sure that your environment has given you a lot of these images, which so firmly rooted in the subconscious, that we do not even realize it.
How to stop drinking alcohol in general? The main idea that I want to pass on staying, and recently observed what happens in reality. And here things happen that are very strange.
Stop drinking really!
How to quit drinking in the early stage? In this stage, the physical addiction is not formed and the withdrawal syndrome is poorly pronounced. Warm drinks are offered in the most accepted are the parties, meetings with friends or after a day of work. Relax and have fun without alcohol. In the company of alcohol can replace the non-alcoholic beverages (iced tea, coffee, drink, energy, cola). In addition, there are a lot of cocktail recipes that do not contain alcohol.

Life begins to improve in all its aspects. The biggest change will be, probably, lies in the fact that you change the circle of knowledge. In some companies it will be difficult at first to not drink, or you will realize that you made the party. In my case it was not even thought of giving up, when they are out mostly with rockers or bikers, even though among these, without doubt, a lot of non-drinkers of people. Failed to tie between elite art and free artists. But when I still decided to take this step, if you do not count several dozens of calls-invitations, have all but disappeared. Yes I have and I am sorry, there are left only the most faithful of friends. And in your case, probably, the same will happen change of scenery.
This "filter" and make your life a more clean from people-attacks. But this does not mean that it is not worth to participate at a table where they eat. On the contrary, you will see, that can be fun and stimulating, if the company is good. You have a lot of free time, think in advance that his take. Find a new hobby, that will delay the head. I chose the sport, and for hours and hours watching the video for the right technique of the exercises execution, and, of course, I practiced. It is possible for the first time a parachute jump, paint a picture or inspire the rock climbing. The main thing — to occupy the first few months. Try to get used to drink clean water without gas and go in a useful food.