Welcome uncontrolled alcoholic beverages affects the human body. It is known to all, but only a few consciously limit the alcohol abuse. On the dangers of alcohol, say doctors and scientists around, read, special lessons in schools, make the diagnosis among the adult population, but the problem is not solved. The damage of alcohol is so strong, that can lead to irreversible consequences.

How alcohol affects the health
Alcohol harmless not to call. Many doctors are convinced that the use of alcoholic beverages excessively small compared to its harm. Red wine a glass a day can reduce the risk of hypertension. A glass of brandy is able to prevent the stroke. Regular event liquor cleanses the blood vessels and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques. But the intake is not controlled leads to irreversible consequences. Toxic effect of alcohol on the human body leads to irreversible changes to the liver, the heart and the brain. The causes of alcoholism, many, occasions to stay too. Because people don't do that? Why not make use of alcoholic beverages only in small doses? The answer lies in the chemistry of the body. The ethanol is very quickly integrated into all the metabolic processes of the body, such as nicotine, and without the help of supplements often you experience beautiful feelings in the form of unhealthy needs. This and there are the first signs of dependency, that we must treat and cure. Bad habits can very quickly ruin your life. Beach alcoholism is known all over the world. He suffers and provided layers of the population, and the children of parents wealthy and the poor, and the unjustly wronged, and successful. Alcoholic beverages will not give answers to the questions, but, thanks to them, the man at the moment, you forget problems and be able to relax and unwind. Sometimes, in moments of extreme stress, alcohol can be necessary and useful. But these cases and situations are extremely rare.
The harmfulness of alcohol to the body systems and organs
Destroyed the walls of the small intestine. Often meet in burns the throat and stomach. In the stomach they develop ulcers and gastritis. The system may not work properly. The food is stale and begins to rot, degrade the Heart and blood vessels the blood vessels become thinner. The heart muscle is weakened. Appear arrhythmias, heart disease, increases the risk of heart attacks and stroke in people.
Suffer from more brain cells. The ethanol destroys the adipose tissue membranes in the nerve fibers. Appears delay response times. Man loses memory and concentration, can not sensible and logical. The willpower drops to zero. The man, inert, subject foreign to the will. Develop neuropathy, leading to irreversible consequences.
Liver cirrhosis and fatty liver are most often found among other complications. The body can not properly perform its functions. Shortens the duration of life.
Because alcohol is harmful? The ethanol easily penetrates through the shell of each cell. Be separated is possible only in connection with the water. So in the morning with a hangover always so thirsty. The alcohol sucks, literally, from the cells of vitality in the form of a liquid, which is essential for the metabolic processes. Develops dehydration. How alcohol affects the body? Often the consumption of alcohol causes pathological second, in which the person is not able to fight alone. Need help with medical, pharmacological treatment and psychological. The ethanol is incorporated into the metabolic process is very easy and fast, after which the body feels the need for it. Alcoholism is a disease that brings the irresponsible description of the victim.

About the dangers of alcohol say still at school, but adolescents with tenacity continue to release the dependency. Without a doubt, that the family must play his role. Children often imitate the behavior of their parents. And if adults every day use of beer, and the years of adolescence with the early years will follow their example. Alcohol kills slowly, but surely. Often, when people are aware of the problem, it becomes already too late to change something. The ethanol thus causes damage to the body, with which it is impossible to fight. Half the liver must eliminate, as a part of the intestine and stomach. Not to mention the high risk of cancer.
Statistics and facts
Craving for alcohol has effects that are scary. In alcoholism unconscious fear approach of the victim of his own actions. The man is not able to control themselves and to control their desires, and our actions. How dangerous is the alcohol:
- 92 % of all cases of violence fall into a state of intoxication.
- 85% of all first sexual experiences for adolescents fall into a state of intoxication.
- 73% of pregnancies are not planned they happen because of spirits.
- Half of an ACCIDENT is the fault of drunk drivers.
- Half of the families break up due to the fact that one of the spouses suffers from alcoholism.
- Half of all the murders committed in a state of intoxication.
- A quarter of the cases in this terrible disease.
Statistics scares me. The most harmful and most scary of alcoholism there is no other bad habit. Medications act quickly and are illegal. Nicotine addiction lends itself easier to treat. That is, alcoholism leads to the most destructive of evil. According to the WHO, is the beer drinker the most widespread in the world. Given that easy-to-drink – beer – less harmful for the body. But it is not so. A small percentage of ethanol in the drink to remedy a bad impression. But is it really beer drinker, according to the WHO, the most widespread in the world, especially among adolescents. The mind fog gradually. The effects of alcohol, do not hear so clearly. And only in the morning and realizing that yesterday was not entirely adequate. It's terrible and insidious properties of the lungs of alcoholic beverages plays its decisive role in the lives of young people. The toxic action of alcohol can be long-term.
The damage to the female body
Women are particularly exposed to alcohol dependence. This is due to the characteristics of the body, hormonal the background. The women do not have the strength to resist the bad habits, as well as men. More difficult to fight with the disease. What is the dose safe for women? A glass of red wine in a party will benefit. A glass of champagne and let you relax. But a bottle of martini, drunk in two with a friend, without a doubt, an impact on health. The doctors and the biologists argue that the female body is a certain margin of eggs, which remains unchanged throughout the whole life. This means that every portion of the liquor will affect the ovum, which in the future may become a man. You can often observe young girls with a bottle of beer in his hand. Seem to be the same adults. In fact, it turns out that they are too young and stupid, short-sighted. The damage of alcohol for women is contained in each portion of the liquor, because the toxic effect has the property to accumulate. This affects especially on the future offspring. And it is not important, stopped drinking girl or not. What he drank for his life, is reflected in his children. And this terrible fact. On it you will need to notify the younger generation. Could it be, then, their actions are so irresponsible.

The damage to the male body
The damage from the alcohol to the men first of all is evident when you experience erectile dysfunction. This nasty disease. Men who abuse alcohol at an early age, this disease can manifest itself relatively early – at the age of 35. Often, man ignores these earlier, but with the time, the problem becomes more evident. And then consult a doctor becomes already too late. Harmless and if the rare party with friends, after which you need another day of rest? Barely. Also rare party can seriously impair the function of the prostate. Alcohol is harmful to the reproduction. On average, the sperm mature for about forty days. This means that the consumption of alcohol in this period, the risk for the unborn child to be born lower increases.
The regular consumption of beer reduces the power to 50%
Often, men think that the health of the child is totally dependent on the mother, who must lead a proper life-style, not presenting the similar requirements to itself. Negligence causes horrific consequences: birth defects, heart defects, allergies – what little that may show the future of a child. Alcohol is harmful to health, especially in men. In relation with the characteristics of male hormone in men much more frequently than women, occurs a deficiency of thiamine or vitamin b group, leading to the appearance of polyneuropathy, which, in turn, can lead to irreversible changes in the body. The man is literally becomes stupid on the eyes. His mental faculties degrade. The reactions are reduced, the discourse becomes confused. He does not care of itself. The gaze becomes vague and faded. With the passage of time, in addition to problems with the prostate gland, can occur as ulcers in the legs or arms. Even a small dose is harmful, not talking about a regular intake of alcohol. Great the male body is able to digest large quantities of alcohol, which reduces the perception and blurs the adequacy.
The effect on the body of a teenager
The emerging young, the body needs vitamins and good nutrition, respect of the day. Instead, teenagers are looking for ways to get hold of beer or other alcoholic beverages. Consumption of alcoholic beverages at events, which is absolutely unacceptable. Intake of alcoholic drinks during adolescence is particularly dangerous. The young body begins to mature and grow. Hormones are produced unevenly, causing emotional outbursts or depression. The worsening of the situation of alcohol can cause hormonal error:
- It inhibits the growth processes.
- Is slowing the growth of a neural network in the brain.
- The maturation takes place incorrectly, which in the future may become the cause of infertility.
- A hormonal disorder.
- Are expected, and these false habits and preferences.
- The formation of an environment that leads to degradation.
- The lack of a healthy interest in the sport and accomplishments.
- Damage to the internal organs.
Harmful if the alcohol to a teenager and how much? The consequences can be disastrous. It is not in the correct format in the habit of youth can lead to a series of failures in adulthood. Adolescents are not able to evaluate rationally the situation and take responsibility for their actions. Under the influence of alcohol teenager becomes unmanageable. There are ever more frequent cases of quarrels and injuries, injuries. The girls turn to doctors with the request to carry out the abortion. Parents and educators need to be more carefully monitor the mood of a teenager and his propensity
What to do?
Encoding – the common method of the treatment of alcoholics. After the attack of delirium tremens, alcoholic affects the corresponding local one, where already the family and doctors decide what to do. Usually, under the skin sewn medication, long duration of action, which causes disgust to the adoption of the spirits, and makes this process impossible. A very effective, but it works a short time. As only the action of the drug ends, an alcoholic breaks down and goes into a long night of drinking. For an effective treatment, it is necessary that the patient consults the physician and is interested in a good result. The results of encoding often leaves much to be desired. After cessation of the medication a person can get drunk up to the stun and die. That alcohol is less harmful? In what doses and how often? The consumption of dry red wine every day will not make a man an alcoholic, as and dosed portions of liquor. In the case of loss of control develops alcoholism. For the treatment requires an integrated approach:

- The pharmacological treatment.
- The observation of the doctor.
- The help of a psychologist.
- The regular visit of character.
- Observation in clinical conditions.
- Exams and medical visits to ascertain the extent of damage to the body.
- The total abandonment of alcohol consumption.
For the complete elimination of alcohol from the human body required 14 days. This means that two weeks you cannot eat no alcohol to name a same sober. The unit can boast such an enviable state of health. We have to remember that most of the ethanol – up to 83 % is absorbed in the small intestine. Alcoholism is often leads to cancer of the small intestine. It is extremely unpleasant disease, which often causes metastases and damage to other organs. Alcohol is harmful for human health, especially for those who are not able to control their weaknesses and whim. In a moderate amount of alcohol can be a good aid in the attainment of therapeutic goals. For adolescents and children, alcohol is absolutely unacceptable.